Sunday, May 24, 2009


so yesterday was john and my first day of riding together. we rode 70 km along the north sea route and met some fun people. i think americans have this negative stigma about germans... well i love them. they have been soooo kind and helpful! after so many wonderful encounters i said to john i bet by the end of this trip some stranger will just offer to put us up in their place for the night... and low and behold it happend last night. hahah. every time we stop and look around as if we're looking for something, someone offers us a helping hand. last night we stpped in a town that we had been told had camp gound, which we later found out did not. a nice couple was directing us towards the closest campground when their neighbor michael came out and offered to put us up for the night! hahah. he is an amaing man with a lifetime of experience and adventure and has been so generous and hospitable!!!! so many stories already. michael has been feeding us and talking our ears off all morning but we really must get back on our bikes now... north we go.


  1. Carrie,
    Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and following you as you go. This site is such a good idea. I can live vicariously through you guys! I love you and can't wait to hear more about this awesome experience:).

  2. Glad to see that you arrived safely and have begun your adventure. I'm sure that as you travel along, you'll find that people will be friendly, kind, and helpful in response to the way that you treat them. As long as you don't go all "ugly American" on them, most people are quite nice. :)
