Monday, June 29, 2009


kristiansand has been so amazing!! we arrived here on the 27th and met elin our host. she manages a fabulous restruant in a really great part of town. with elin we went into sentrum and had some pizza and beer then went to her house. a large fixer upper she and her boyfriend recently purchased. three of her coworkers are living in the house for the summer while working at her restruant. john and i showered, while elin went to work then took our bikes downtown and to the island where elin works. the following day we BBQed with elin and the group (swedish meatbal style burgers!) then went to a local norwegian lake in the forest. it was so beautiful and refreshing to swim! we stopped in sentrum and watched a free concert for a bit while eating some tikka masala, then went to her restruant and hung out in the bar with a great a bunch of her cowerkers. a lot of sweeds and other europeans come to norway for the summer to work (thwe icelandic drunks may have been the highlight of the night). she has some really great people/ friends working for her and it was so great to meet hang out with them. around one am four of us went to another bar to play darts. kristiansand is the 5th largest city in norway, yet this is a small country and it has a very small town feel to it. we've had a really great experiance here and it was so wonderful to meet elin and her roommates (vlad, patrick... we love you too ;) ) the two nights here have been truly momorable. but now we must carry on like the vagabonds we are.


  1. i just checked out your picture slideshow. The pictures are gorgeous!!! Ive wrote like a million comments on this thing just now lol but i just can't express how amazed i am. Looking at all the pictures it doesn't seem real!! you can be honest you guys are really in california just posting pictures out of National Geographic. And everyone now and then you cut and paste JOhn into a few. don't worry i won't tell anyone. lol Thats just how incredible it all looks!! I love you!!!

  2. I just want to say that I love reading the blogs and hearing about your adventures! What a great experience. You two are so brave! You will remember this for the rest of your lives! How awesome. Did I say I was jealous yet? Well, travel safely and soak it all in.

    -- Janelle --

  3. John and Carrie - PHONE HOME
    We have not had contact with John and Carrie since June 29, last blog, and the phone is not working. Paulina - I think they were suppose to meet you about now, have they? If anyone has talked to them or had an email since then, let us know please.
    Just a bit concerned
    Laurel and Dan Clark
