Tuesday, June 23, 2009

our norwegian-scottish bagpipin gangsta

john and i have tons of great pictures and stories... but here is one i just have to put up. when we were in oslo we came across this norwegian playing the scottish bagpipes. he was playing along side the road, facing a wall, as if the town had refused his playing and that was the only area he was allowed to play? it was quite peculiar. when he finishe his song we clapped, and he was surprised to see that he had an audiance. he wore a picture of himself in a scottish kilt holding his bagpipe. also, notise his hat... it's the kind of flat bill hat that a rapper would wear? (or someone trying to be ghetto). he was hilarious. we told him we were american, and he played amazing grace for us! john placed his righ hand over his heart in respect? i got it on video.... good times


  1. You can just picture him doing all of that with this photo. How interesting. Memories of a life time you are encountering. How great :)

  2. Seems that you taste paradise during you these weeks. I wish you much more of it.
